An Easy to Follow List of All 1963 Chevy Accessories

An Easy to Follow List of All 1963 Chevy Accessories

1963 Chevrolet Factory Installed Options and Accessories for All Chevrolet Models except as otherwise specified



RPO L30 250-HP TURBO-FIRE 327 - 327-cu.-in. V8, 10.5:1 compression ratio, 4-barrel carburetor, hydraulic valve lifters, 18” temperature-controlled viscous drive fan, dual exhaust, 7.50 x 14 tires on models where equivalent or larger tires are not included.

RPO L74 300-HP TURBO-FIRE 327 - 327-cu.-in. V8,10.5:1 compression ratio, special 4-barrel carburetor, hydraulic valve lifters, 18” temperature-controlled viscous drive fan, dual exhaust, 7.50 x 14 tires on models where equivalent or larger tires are not included.

RPO L33 340-HP TURBO-FIRE 409 - 409-cu.-in. V8, 10.0:1 compression ratio, special 4-barrel carburetor, hydraulic valve lifters, 18” temperature-controlled viscous drive fan, dual exhaust, heavy-duty front and rear springs and shock absorbers, special radiator, 8.00 x 14 tires on Sedan, Sport Coupe and Convertible models.

RPO L31 400-HP TURBO-FIRE 409 - 409-cu.-in. V8, 11.0:1 compression ratio, special large 4-barrel carburetor, special performance camshaft, mechanical valve lifters, 18” temperature-controlled viscous drive fan, dual exhaust, heavy-duty front and rear springs and shock absorbers, special radiator, 8.00 x 14 tires on Sedan, Sport Coupe and Convertible models.

RPO L80 425-HP TURBO-FIRE 409 - 409-cu.-in. V8, 11.0:1 compression ratio, twin special 4-barrel carburetors, special performance camshaft, mechanical valve lifters, 18” temperature-controlled viscous drive fan, dual exhaust, heavy-duty front and rear springs and shock absorbers, special radiator, 8.00 x 14 tires on Sedan, Sport Coupe and Convertible models.


RPO M35 POWERGLIDE - Optional with all engines except 400-hp and 425-hp Turbo-Fire 409 V8's.

RPO M20 4-SPEED SYNCHRO - MESH - 2.54:1 1ow gear 4-speed transmission available with 327-cu.-in. V8 engines, 2.20:1 low gear with 409-cu-in. V8's with 3.36:1 General Purpose Axle only. 4-speed with 2.54:1 low available with 409-cu.-in. V8's by ordering RPO G92 3.08:1 Performance Cruise rear axle.

RPO M10 OVERDRIVE - Optional with 140-hp Turbo-Thrift 230 and 195-hp Turbo-Fire 283 engines only.


RPO C60 AIR CONDITIONER, DELUXE All-WEATHER - Heater and air conditioner combined. Not available with 400-hp and 425-hp Turbo-Fire 409 V8's, or models equipped with overdrive transmission. Includes heavy-duly front springs, temperature-controlled viscous drive 18" fan with standard 6-cylinder and 283-cu.-in. V8 equipped models, heavy-duty radiator, and 12-42 ampere Delcotron diode rectified generator and 3.36:1 axle ratio in place of 3.08:1 axle on models where 3.08:1 is standard. 7.50 x 14 tires required additional equipment on models where equivalent or larger tires are not included.

RPO C64 AIR CONDITIONER, CUSTOM - Recirculating air type system. Restrictions and included equipment same as for RPO C60 De Luxe All-Weather Air Conditioner except Delcotron is 9-37-ampere standard unit.

RPO C48 HEATER AND DEFROSTER DELETION - Credit option omitting standard unit.

RPO Z01 COMFORT & CONVENIENCE EQUIPMENT - Items: A.) Outside rear view mirror; B.) Non-glare inside mirror; C.) 2-Speed windshield wipers and washer; D.) Backup lights; E.) Luggage compartment light (except Station Wagons); F.) Glove compartment light.

Impala Models-Includes A, B, C (D, E, F Standard)

Bel Air Models-Includes A, B, C, D, E (F Standard)

Biscayne Models-Includes A, B, C, D, E, F


RPO V32 REAR BUMPER GUARDS - Two for all except Station Wagons.


RPO A96 LOCK, STATION WAGON STOWAGE COMPARTMENT - For all Station Wagon models. Separate key.

RPO A01 SOFT-RAY TINTED GLASS - for all windows.

RPO A02 SOFT-RAY TINTED GLASS - windshield only.

RPO C14 2-SPEED ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPER - Includes push-button windshield washer.

RPO A66 DIVIDED SECOND SEAT - Station Wagons (with Fawn interior only).

RPO V55 ROOF LUGGAGE CARRIER - For all Chevrolet's.

RPO P01 WHEEL COVERS - Set of four for 14" wheels.

RPO P02 SIMULATED WIRE WHEEL COVERS - Set of four. For all models with 14" wheels.

RPO P05 WHEELS, SPECIAL CHROME-PLATED - All except Station Wagon models.

RPO N30 DE LUXE STEERING WHEEL - Biscayne models.

RPO B50 FOAM-CUSHIONED FRONT SEAT - Extra Heavy ( 1 1\4") - Biscayne models only.

RPO A37 SEAT BELT EQUIPMENT - (one or two belts).

RPO C08 IMPALA SPORT COUPE VINYL TOP - In black or white, with any exterior color.

RPO Z03 SUPER SPORT EQUIPMENT - For Impala Sport Coupe and Convertible. All-vinyl bucket seats. Special trim features, wheel covers, and front and rear springs. Floor-shift console with 4-Speed and Power-glide.








RPO A42 POWER FRONT SEAT-6.WAY - Tilts seat forward and backward, up-and-down and fore-and-aft(Not available in Biscayne models.).RPO All POWER WINDOWS - Except tailgate on Station Wagons-Controls at each window plus 4-window mastercontrol at driver's window. (Not available in Biscayne models.).

RPO All POWER TAILGATE WINDOW - For 6- Passenger Station Wagons (Standard on 9-Passenger). lncludes switches at instrument panel and tailgate key lock.


RPO G80 POSITRACTION REAR AXLE - Available ratios: same as with standard axle, plus 4.11:1 and 4.56:1 with 409-cu.-in. V8 engines and 2.20:1 low gear 4-Speed Synchro-Mesh transmission.

RPO G92 3.08:1 PERFORMANCE CRUISE AXLE - For 409·cu.-in. V8's with 4-Speed Synchro-Mesh only-includes 2.54:1 low gear transmission ratio.

RPO G96 3.55:1 SPECIAL PURPOSE OR MOUNTAIN AXLE - For 6-cylinder and 283·cu.·in. V8 engines and 3-Speed and Powerglide transmissions in place of standard General Purpose 3.08:1 and 3.36 axles.

RPO G50 HEAVY-DUTY REAR COIL SPRINGS - (Standard on 9-Passenger Station Wagons.)

RPO F60 HEAVY-DUTY FRONT COIL SPRINGS - Used either alone or with heavy-duty rear coil springs.

RPO F51 HEAVY-DUTY FRONT AND REAR SHOCK ABSORBERS - (All models except Station Wagons.)

RPO J65 SINTERED-METALLIC BRAKE LININGS - Recommended for severe heavy-duty operation.

RPO Pl2 14" WHEELS WITH 6" JK RIMS - Set of 5. For all Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO M01 HEAVY-DUTY CLUTCH - 10" clutch for 140-hp Turbo-Thrift 230 engine.

RPO K02 TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED VISCOUS DRIVE 18" FAN - For 140-hp Turbo-Thrift 230 and 195-hp Turbo-Fire 283 engines-included on all 327- and 409-cu.-in. V8's and with air conditioning.

RPO K79 DELCOTRON, HEAVY-DUTY-12 to 42 AMPERE - Diode rectified generator.

RPO K82 DELCOTRON, HEAVY-DUTY EXTRA OUTPUT-5 to 52 AMPERE - Diode rectified generator.

RPO K81 DELCOTRON, EXTRA·HEAVY-DUTY-23 to 62 AMPERE - Diode rectified generator with extra high output characteristics.

RPO T60 HEAVY-DUTY BATTERY - 70 ampere-hour rating.

RPO K23 CLOSED POSITIVE-TYPE CRANKCASE VENTILATION - Completely closed system for 6-cylinder engine only.

RPO V01 HEAVY-DUTY RADIATOR - (Not available with 409-cu.-in. V8's or with air conditioning.)

RPO U16 TACHOMETER - Electric-for all V8 models. Included with 409-cu.-in. V8-4-Speed power teams.

RPO Z05 ECONOMY CARBURETOR - for 6-cylinder engine only.

RPO K45 AIR CLEANER, HEAVY-DUTY - Oil bath type. For 6-cylinder engine only.

RPO B02 TAXICAB EQUIPMENT - Biscayne 4-Door Sedan.

RPO B01 POLICE CAR BODY EQUIPMENT - All Biscayne models.



Note: 7.00 x 14 standard on Sedans and Sport Coupe. 7.50 x 14 standard on Convertible and 327-cu.-i n. V8 equipped models. 8.00 x 14 standard on Station Wagons and 409-cu. in. V8 equipped models.

RPO P58 7.00 x 14 - Thinline whitewall, highway rayon 4·p.r.-tubeless. All except Convertible and Station Wagon models. 

RPO P65 7.50 x 14 - Blackwall, highway rayon 4-p.r.tubeless.2- and 4-Door Sedans and Sport Coupe (oversize).

RPO P62 7.50 x 14 - Thin line whitewall, highway rayon 4·p.r.-tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO P63 7.50 x 14 - Blackwall, highway rayon 6·p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets. 

RPO P75 8.00 x 14 - Blackwall, highway rayon 4·p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons (standard on wagons and with 409 engines).

RPO P77 8.00 x 14 - Thinline whitewall, highway rayon 4·p.r.-tubeless. All Chevrolets. 

RPO P60 7.50 x 14 - Blackwall, highway nylon 4-p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons. 

RPO P61 7.50 x 14 - Thinline whitewall, highway nylon 4·p.r.-tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO P76 8.00 x 14 - Blackwall, highway nylon 4-p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets.

RPO P93 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway rayon 4·p.r.-tube type. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons. 

RPO P92 6.70 x 15 - Thinline Whitewall, highway rayon 4-p.r.-tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO P95 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway nylon 4·p.r.-tube type. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons. 

RPO P94 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, on·off-road rayon 4· type. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO P91 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway nylon 4·p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO P90 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway rayon 4-p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO Q01 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway rayon 6·p.r.tubeless. Brscayne 2· and 4-Door Sedans for Taxicab or Police only.

RPO Q03 6.70 x 15 - Blackwall, highway rayon 6· type. Biscayne 2- and 4-Door Sedans tor Taxicab or Police only.

RPO Q04 7.10 x 15 - Blackwall, highway rayon 4·p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

RPO Q05 7.10 x 15 - Blackwall, highway nylon 4-p.r.tubeless. All Chevrolets except Station Wagons.

1963 Chevrolet Dealer Installed Custom Feature Accessories for All Chevrolet Models Except as Indicated.

Accelerator Pedal Cover 985260
Air Conditioner - AII Weather
Standard 6-Cylinder 985544
Standard 283-cu.-in. V8 985545
250-hp 327-cu.-in. V8 985652
300-hp 327-cu.-in. V8 985546
340-hp 409-cu.-in V8 985689
Air Conditioner - Custom
Standard 6-Cylinder 985405
Standard 283-cu.-in V8. 985663
250-hp 327-cu.-in. V8 985597
300-hp 327-cu.-in V8 985408
Antenna- Manual-Right Front 985402
Antenna-Manual-Right Rear (Except Station Wagon) 985403
Antenna-Dummy-left Rear (Except Station Wagon) 985404
Clock-Electric (Standard on Impala Models) 985503
Compass- Illuminated 985002
Cushion Toppers
Front: All except Sport Coupe and Convertible 985556
Sport Coupe and Convertible 985557
Rear: All 4-door models except Station Wagon 985558
2-Door Sedans 985559
Convertible 985560
Sport Coupe 985561
Station Wagon 2nd Seat 985562
Cushions, Ventilated
Brown 985554
Blue 985552
Black 985555
Green 985553
Red 985551
Defroster-Rear Window (Except Convertible & Station Wagon) 985660
Door Edge Guards
2-Door Models 985485
4-Door Models 985486
Extinguisher-Fire (2 3/4 lb. dry chemical) 985592
Extinguisher-Refill Cartridge 985593
Floor Mat - De Luxe Full Width Front
Black 988442
Red 988447
Blue 985212
Green 985213
Fawn 985214
Aqua 985215
Saddle 985461
White 985024
Floor Mat - De Luxe Full Width Rear
Black 985634
Red 985635
Blue 985630
Green 985631
Fawn 985633
Aqua 985632
Saddle 985637
White 985636
Floor Mat-Contour Front
Black 988434
Red 988433
Blue 985204
Green 985205
Fawn 985206
Aqua 985207
Saddle 985459
White 985020
Floor Mat-Contour Rear (Except Station Wagon)
Black 988441
Red 988440
Blue 985208
Green 985209
Fawn 985210
Aqua 985211
Saddle 985460
White 985022
Floor Mat-Cargo Floor-Station Wagon 988455
Floor Mat- Full Width Clear Plastic
Front 985628
Rear 985629
Gas Filler Cap-Locking 988270
Gas filler Door Guard
All Except Station Wagon Models 985488
Station Wagon Models 985489
Guard-Front Bumper Grille 985426
Guard-Rear Bumper (Except Station Wagon) 985441
Guard Mud Flap- Station Wagon 985525
Hazard Flasher Switch 985600
Headlight Control- Guide-Malic 985519
Hook-Coat (Except Convertible) 985350
Lamp-Glove Compartment-All Biscayne Models 985273
Lamp-Luggage Compartment (Except Impalas) 985425
Lamp-Spot-Portable (Connects to Cigarette Lighter) 987112
Lamp-Underhood 985475
Lamps- Back·Up (Standard on Impala Models)
All Bel Air and Biscayne Models except Station Wagon 985518
Bel Air and Biscayne Station Wagon Models 985517
Lamps- Courtesy (Standard on Impala Sport Coupe and Convertible) 985574
Light-Open Door Warning 985591
Litter Container 985482
Lock-Rear Door Safety 985295
Lock-Station Wagon Compartment 985351
Luggage Carrier-All Chevrolets-Custom 985494
Luggage Carrier- All Chevrolets-6 Stanchion Rack 988499
luggage Carrier Cover 985314
Mirror and Comb-Vanity Visor 987919
Opener-Automatic Trunk (Except Station Wagon) 985505
Pad-Station Wagon Load Space 985077
Parking Brake Warning light (Standard on Impala Models) 985436
Power Brakes 985542
Radio and front Antenna-Manual 985477
Radio and Rear Antenna-Manual (Except Station Wagon) 985429
Radio and Front Antenna - Pushbutton 985428
Radio and Rear Antenna-Pushbutton (Except Station Wagon) 985430
Rearview Mirror-lnside-Non-Giare 987701
Rearview Minor-Outside- Body Mount 985434
Screen- Radiator Insect 985296
Screen- Station Wagon Rear Door Window 985076
Screen & Grille- Station Wagon Tailgate Window 985075
Seat Belt-Front
Aqua 985508
Blue 985499
Red 985498
Green 985510
Fawn 985509
Saddle 985437
Black 985511
Seat Belt - Rear
Aqua 985619
Blue 985622
Red 985620
Green 985621
Fawn 985618
Saddle 985623
Black 985541
Speaker - Radio Rear Auxiliary
Impala Sport Coupe and Convertible 985496
Station Wagon Models 985497
All Other Models 985495
Speed and Cruise Control - 283· and 327-cu.-in. V8 Engines 985521
Temp. Controlled Viscous Drive Fan for standard 6-cyl. and V8 engines 985355
Tissue Dispenser 985483
Tool Kit 988032
All 2-Door Sedan Models 985527
All 4-Door Sedan Models 985528
All Station Wagon Models 985529
Wheel Covers - Full - Set of four 985433
Wheel Covers - Simulated Wire - Set of Four 985530
Windshield Washer - Pushbutton 985465
